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Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Menghapus Virus IESecurity.exe

Berselancar di internet memang menuntut kebijakan dan kehati-hatian supaya terhindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Salah satunya adalah ancaman program malmare yang tanpa kita sadari sering kita "undang" ke komputer kita. Penyebabnya seringkali karena kecerobohan dan kebiaaan kita yang sering menggunakan jurus "the power of next" - alias selalu menekan tombol next atau OK apabila ada message yang keluar.

internet security

Misalnya saja cerita tentang teman saya yang tanpa sengaja mendownload dan menjalankan program IESecurity.exe, sebuah malware yang menyamar menjadi program Antivirus. Malware IESecurity ini akan memunculkan jendela Internet Security yang seolah-olah menscan komputer dan mendeteksi aplikasi-aplikasi berbahaya. Semua program yang akan saya jalankan seperti misalnya Ms Office, Firefox dsb tidak bisa diaktifkan dan muncul error bahwa aplikasi tersebut terkena virus.

Untuk menghapus malware Internet Security ini berikut langkah-langkah yang saya jalankan:

  1. Jalankan komputer dalam mode "Safe Mode"

  2. Cari dan Delete file dan folder yang berhubungan dengan ie-security, berikut nama file dan foldernya:
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\IE-Security.lnk
    • %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\IE-Security.lnk
    • %PROGRAMFILES%\IE-Security\
    • isecurity.exe yang terdapat di jendela C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application Data klo di Windows 7 lokasinya terdapat di C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\ .
  3. Jalankan regedit, cari nama key ie-security, saya menemukan 2 key yang saya delete yaitu ieSecurity.exe dan winscas.txt. Berikut list key yang mesti di delete:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\IE-Security
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IE-Security
  4. Reboot komputer.
Demikianlah cara menghapus malware yang menyamar menjadi anti virus Internet Security, semoga berhasil :)

Download Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Setelah sebelumnya Microsoft merilis Windows 8 Developer Preview untuk para pengembang aplikasi pada bulan September 2011, tanggal 29 Februari 2012 yang lalu Microsoft secara resmi merilis Windows 8 versi Beta atau disebut Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Konon katanya sekitar 100.000 perubahan atau perbaikan telah dilakukan dibanding versi Developer Preview.

Windows 8 ini merupakan Sistem Operasi teranyar dari Microsoft yang membuat banyak orang penasaran karena banyaknya perubahan pada sisi tampilan terutama yang disebut sebagai antarmuka Metro, yaitu tampilan berpetak-petak yang mengacu pada antarmuka yang digunakan di platform Windows Phone saat ini. Pengguna Windows 8 nantinya akan banyak menggunakan metode geser (sliding) untuk mengakses menu atau aplikasi.

windows 8 preview

Windows 8 ini diklaim merupakan Sistem Operasi yang lebih baik dari pendahulunya Windows 7 dan diharapkan akan sukses sebagai sistem operasi untuk semua perangkat dari komputer desktop sampai tablet, ultrabook dan smartphone. Tetapi dalam versi betanya Microsoft tidak menjamin semua aplikasi akan dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Windows 8 System Requirements

Windows 8 Consumer Preview works great on the same hardware that powers Windows 7:
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
  • Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device or higher
  • To use touch, you need a tablet or monitor that supports multitouch
  • To access Windows Store and to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768
  • To snap apps, you need a screen resolution of at least 1366 x 768
Download Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Windows 8 versi beta atau Consumer Preview ini bisa kita download dan digunakan secara gratis sampai versi finalnya tersedia. Filenya lumayan besar sekitar 2.5 GB untuk Windows 8 versi 32 bit dan sekitar 3,3 GB untuk Windows 8 versi 64 bit. Memanfaatkan koneksi internet di kantor, saya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam lebih untuk mendownloadnya. Klo temen-temen ingin mendownload Windows 8 Consumer Privew, silangkan langsung ke TKP [disini].

Reset Windows Services dan Setingan Registry ke Kondisi Default

Bagi temen-temen yang mengalami problem komputer yang disebabkan setingan yang salah (misconfiguration) pada windows services atau registry Windows, temen-temen bisa mencoba sebuah software yang bernama Refresh PC dari WareSoft Software.

refresh pc reset windows seting to default

Refresh PC adalah sebuah tools yang berguna untuk mengembalikan kondisi settingan registry dan system service windows ke kondisi default. Berikut beberapa fitur utama Refresh PC:

  • Mengurangi terjadinya error pada Event Viewer
  • Memperbaiki setingan system services yang salah (misconfiguration) yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai problem seperti waktu booting yang lambat.
  • Membersihkan temporary folders yang tidak terpakai.
  • Mengembalikan setingan registry ke kondisi default
Aplikasi RefreshPC ini merupakan apliaksi freeware berukuran cukup kecil sekitar 2.24 MB dan dapat dijalankan pada komputer dengan sistem operasi Windows XP, Windows Vista dan Windows 7. Apabila temen-temen tertarik untuk mencobanya dapat langsung mendownloadnya [ disini ].

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Corel Draw X6

Versatile and powerful graphic design software

Whether you’re an aspiring artist or an experienced designer, CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X6 is your trusted graphic design software solution. With its content-rich environment and professional graphic design, photo-editing and website design software, you have everything you need to express your style and creativity with endless possibilities.

Quickly feel at home with built-in help, training videos and professionally designed templates. Then, create with confidence—everything from distinctive logos and signs to custom websites, web graphics, billboards, car wraps, flyers and more! Show your true design style!

What's New

This is the upgrade you’ve been waiting for! CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 makes everyday tasks faster and easier, delivering new time-savers that help you create with confidence. So many features worth waiting for! CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 offers the tools, the features and the power to enhance all of your design needs.

Take a closer look at the 10 most important reasons to upgrade your graphics software:

    Advanced OpenType® support
    New! Advanced OpenType® support

    Create beautiful text with advanced OpenType typography features, such as contextual and stylistic alternates, ligatures, ornaments, small caps, swash variants and more. Ideal for cross-platform design work, OpenType offers comprehensive language support, allowing you to customize characters to suit the language you’re working with. Control all your OpenType options from a centralized menu and make contextual changes with interactive OpenType features.
    Custom-built Color Harmonies
    New! Custom-built Color Harmonies

    Easily create a complementary color palette for your design. The new Color Harmonies tool, accessed from the Color Styles docker, combines Color Styles into a Harmony, allowing you to modify colors collectively. It also analyzes colors and hues to deliver complementary color schemes—a great way for you to satisfy clients with variety!
    Multiple trays in Corel® CONNECT™
    New! Multiple trays in Corel® CONNECT™ X6

    Instantly find images on your local network and search iStockPhoto®, Fotolia and Flickr® websites. Easily access your content, using the multiple trays now available within Corel CONNECT. And organize content by type or project in trays that are shared between CorelDRAW®, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™ and Corel CONNECT for maximum efficiency.
    Creative vector shaping tools
    New! Creative vector shaping tools

    Creatively add effects to your vector artwork! CorelDRAW X6 introduces four shaping tools that provide new creative options for refining your vector objects. The new Smear tool lets you shape an object by pulling extensions or making indents along its outline. The new Twirl tool lets you apply twirl effects to objects. And you can use the new Attract and Repel tools to shape curves by attracting or separating nodes.

System Requirements

    Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit Editions) , Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), or Windows® XP (32-bit), all with latest service packs installed
    Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™
    1GB RAM
    1.5GB hard disk space (for typical installation without content - additional disk space is required during installation)
    Mouse or tablet
    1024 x 768 screen resolution
    DVD drive
    Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher

DOWNLOAD Direct to corel

Autodesk AutoCAD 2013

Design and shape the world around you with the powerful,
flexible features in AutoCAD software, one of the world's
leading 2D and 3D CAD design tools


Windows Live Messenger 2011 15.4.3555

Windows Live Messenger is the next-generation MSN Messenger. It has everything you already love about Messenger - your contact list, emoticons, and instant access to your friends via text, voice, and video - plus new ways to connect and share photos and documents effortlessly. It's faster than e-mail and is a great choice for conversations and the perfect alternative when you can't be there in person. As always, it's free to download Messenger and use most of its features.

Windows Live Messenger (WLM), still commonly referred to by the previous name of MSN Messenger (MSN for short), is an instant messaging client for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Mobile, first released on December 13, 2005 by Microsoft. It is part of Microsoft's Windows Live set of online services

AutoCAD Mechanical 2013

AutoCAD Mechanical design and drafting software is AutoCAD
software for manufacturing. Part of the Autodesk solution
for Digital Prototyping, it includes all the functionality
of AutoCAD, one of the world s leading 2D CAD design software
plus comprehensive libraries of standards-based parts and tools
for automating common mechanical CAD tasks and accelerating
the mechanical design process. AutoCAD Mechanical design
software helps save hours of design time, so you can spend
time innovating rather than drafting


Kamis, 05 April 2012

Aksi Asia

 Asian UnderboobJapanese even have a word for the type of reverse-cleavage, called shitapai. I know that it’s a real word because I googled it and a bunch of anime porn came up, keep an eye out for any Japanese women you can spot and amaze them with your knowledge of their language. Check out some great examples below!

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